NextGen is a Movement

Today was the first day of the Next Generation of Training Summit. I will let you imagine the level of energy and passion that collide when over 800 of remarkable government leaders come together. NextGen is a movement. It’s about inspiring government innovation. It’s about providing training and leadership opportunities to people new in government. It’s about helping managers bridge […]

An Empowering Experience

As the end of the summit draws closer, I have to give a big shout out to the #nextgengov organizers for putting this together. The speakers you have selected and the process you have gone through that is not an easy feat to ensure there is something for everyone deserves an elevated amount of kudos. I don’t have the words […]

Great First Experience!

This is my first summit and airport have to say, I am learning an abundance of new things to take back to Colorado that will be helpful in deciding my next career move. Bravo to the organizers! — State of Colorado Public Health

Something for Everyone

My department sent 8 staff members to the Next Gen summit this year. Across the board, they reported that they felt the summit was really well done. They are all at very different stages in their federal careers (some on the job less than a year, others on the job for over 8 year), so it is particularly notable that […]