Personal Branding: How to Create a Presence

11:15 AM-12:15 PM ET/8:15-9:15 AM PT – Breakout Session Round 1

The U.S. government is the single largest employer in the world, which means that standing out amongst millions of colleagues is difficult. The key is to create a personal brand that showcases your best assets. In this breakout session, our expert will share practical advice for cultivating your personal brand so that it is authentically you.

Key Takeaway: From this session, you will be able to define your own personal brand and understand how to use that brand to get to the next phase of your career.

Relevant Competencies: Building Coalitions


Jay Jay is an international speaker and has been exciting people with his message for the last 15 years in over 30 countries.

In 2009, he leveraged the social media platform YouTube to grow his brand to 57,000,000 views online in the entertainment industry as a magician!

Leaving his tricks behind he now teaches entrepeneurs and companies on jow to scale their business and generate ,ore revenue by publicizing what they do in the media!
